Why you Should move to Cloudflare?

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Why you Should move to Cloudflare?

Ehtisham Alam

What we should do for speeding up a website? 

Step 1: Reduce image size – inorder to reduce the page size 

Step 2: Enable Page Cache on your Website

Step 3: Add your website to CDN (Content Delivery Network)

And all above steps are available under one roof which is called Cloudflare

 In this post, I will give you top 5 reasons why you should move your website to Cloudflare.

 What is Cloudflare?
Cloudflare is basically a CDN (Content Delivery Network). But it is much more than that. Cloudflare is a global network designed to make everything you connect to the Internet secure, private, fast, and reliable. Cloudflare could simply be defined as a service that helps make our online presence such as websites, online stores and applications faster and more secure.

Why should you move your website to Cloudflare?

Freemium Model

The basic subscription of Cloudflare comes with a free plan. With this plan, your website will be protected and accelerated. It means that this subscription is enough for the normal needs of your website. They also have very attractive paid plans If your business has more demanding support requirements or needs. You can check their plan at https://www.cloudflare.com/plans

Fasten your website

How do your visitors access your website?  Technically they type your prestigious website like mine https://eplanethub.com and that request  goes from the visitor’s browser to your web server. The visitor’s browser will download all assets related to your web page without any caching mechanism in place. It will be repeated every time a browser accesses that same web page, putting overhead on your web server.

When you add your website to Cloudflare, a copy of your website content stores in their globally distributed data centres.  This means that when a user accesses a page on your website, they are likely to receive a copy of your website assets stored in the nearest data centre without having to request it from your physical web server.

The result of this is that the user can see the content of your page much faster, and your web server is freed from the additional requests that it would receive to the server for static assets.  The best part about this is that you don’t have to do anything. Cloudflare takes care of this for you.

Provides SSL | Why is it necessary for your site?

SSL certificate is an important ranking criteria for search engines. Furthermore, many browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla and Internet Explorer warn about unsafe sites when they visit a website that lacks an SSL certificate. Some people may quit your website because they believe it is hazardous to navigate.

You are making a huge mistake if your website does have SSL. Especially when SSL certificates are available for free.

Cloudflare provides a free SSL certificate for your website that can be activated in a few clicks without the need for verification or wasting time as with traditional SSL.

Web Protection 

Can Cloudflare protect web traffic from malicious activities and attacks?

Yes offcoure, cloudflare not only boosts your website speed, it also protects your site from malicious activities.

Cloudflare protects in two layers:

  • Mask your server IP 
  • Prevents abusive bots and crawlers.

If you have done all SEO measures in order to boost up your website there are plenty of options, higher marketing experts, install plugins etc but what about the security of your website?

Security threats increases day by day as the technology grows. So we need a perfect solution for our website which secure our web traffics. There are many one but one which I use is Cloudflare which boost up my website speed with secure connection.


In this post we have discussed followings:
  • How to speedup a website?
  • How we can get SSL certificate for free?
  • Can Cloudflare protect my website from malicious activities and attacks?
I hope you have enjoyed this post which is worthful for you. So when you will move your website to Cloudflare?

Why you Should move to Cloudflare? Read More »